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Waggy Trails is a secure dog park in development. Waggy Trails was borne under the need to meet the needs of our own rescue dogs Pluto, Luna, and Obie. Their backgrounds are varied but united by various forms of neglect. In our time with our dog family, we grew to learn about their needs and have, at times, worked with professional dog behaviourists. What struck us was the need for a secure space to help them to build their confidence in a natural way, but also to meet their physical and emotional needs.


Myself and my partner Kate work in mental health care and in animal rescue respectively - what struck us was the similarity of the needs for both people and our amazing dogs. This in many ways is why our dog park will be one which will be constantly evolving and developing. Over the last year, whilst working on the land it has become clear to myself that the passion for I carry for Waggy Trails, has extended from being a park which not only encompasses the wellbeing of our dogs, but also for us, the parents, and the environment itself.


To date, we have the provision of many of the things you would expect within a standard dog park such as secure land, parking, a shelter, etc… However, we have also incorporated a number of other things to benefit our dogs, owners and environment: compostable dog poo bags which will be ethically and environmentally disposed of; a sensory garden designed to stimulate senses and promote calm naturally; natural dog treats designed to support training and enrichment needs; living willow tunnels, and other areas for play and confidence building; and areas both mowed and natural for added interest and exploring!


Understandably, this has taken much time and effort - the land had been dormant for many, many years prior to our custody. There are many further projects we have in the pipeline, some currently in development, such as the creation of a dog friendly and environmentally sound pond (discussions have been held with representatives of the Devon Wildlife Trust). Whilst, there are numerous other projects which I’m excited for in the future- more details in coming months!


Why do I explain all this? Because I think with the advent of more and more dog parks within Devon, it’s important to discuss the potential for what a dog park can be aside from just a secure space for walking. Dogs have many needs much like you or I do; we feel these are needs that deserve to be met and developed. Therefore, if you asked why choose to visit Waggy Trails, I would answer you’re not only able to give your dog a walk in a beautiful environment but you will also be investing in an exciting project which will be moving forwards in the future to benefit your dogs, yourselves and the environment!



Waggy Trails

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